Cory Booker’s Lie About Guns is Too Big for Even the Washington Post to Overlook

Senator Spartacus must be awfully desperate to draw attention to his flagging presidential campaign. That, or he’s even more ignorant than we thought. Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post‘s fact-checker, on Monday morning said, “Booker’s comparison of the regulations of toy guns and real guns is specious,” giving him three Pinocchios for the statements. Analyzing Booker’s wording, … Read more

Is Cory Booker Dangerous or Just Confused When it Comes to the Constitution?

By Larry Keane Presidential hopeful and New Jersey U.S. Senator Cory Booker has made headlines recently for his list of wildly unconstitutional gun control proposals. At the top of his list is requiring a government license to buy and own a firearm. To make his case, Sen. Booker argues that if one needs a license to drive a car, … Read more

Senator Cory Booker Demonstrates That He Knows Little To Nothing About America’s Gun Laws

Strangely, Spartacus wasn’t challenged by the CNN moderator on any of the falsehoods and misinformation he spouted for the dozens of viewers watching at home. If I am your president, we are going to bring the fight to the NRA who wants to represent corporate gun owners…manufacturers, more than they want to represent the people. … Read more

NRA President Oliver North: We Stand With Brett Kavanaugh

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has released a new, hard-hitting ad supporting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. In it, the NRA’s new president Lt. Col. Oliver North (ret.) pulls no punches in defense of the Supreme Court nominee. In fact, North goes after certain U.S. Senators in particular, pointing out their shameful hypocrisy, lies and … Read more