A Legal Take on the Supreme Court’s Bump Stock Ruling

When the Supreme Court ruled the federal government’s Trump-era ban on bump stocks was overreach and struck the restriction down, it removed a shadow from many gun owners who likely still owned the devices, removing otherwise honest, law-abiding citizens from the possibility of being an unintentional felon. West Virginia defense attorney, Todd La Neve, who … Read more

A Gun Win in California, You Don’t Say?

A federal judge in California has granted summary judgment to three individuals in a lawsuit challenging that state’s penal code, which permanently denies Second Amendment rights to people who have had felony convictions vacated, set aside or dismissed, and their rights to possess firearms fully restored. The case is known as Linton v. Bonta. U.S. … Read more

Historians Are in Demand Thanks to Bruen

While the pursuit of knowledge in any discipline is a worthy endeavor unto itself, there are certain majors plenty of parents bemoan when their kids declare them either because of limited income potential or even more limited opportunities to actually find gainful employment (especially when the cost of college is factored in). Journalism, which was … Read more