Robbers Attempt Garbage Truck Stick-Up, Get Trashed and Bagged in Process

As if things weren’t already screwed up enough in the Windy City, gang banger crooks are apparently so hard up for a target to inflict violence and theft upon they are now trying to rob, of all things, a garbage truck? WTF? In proof criminals really are THAT dumb, early morning bandits approached a garbage … Read more

Wayne County Official Charged After Guns Come Out Over A Soda

The director of Wayne County, Michigan’s parks division, Alicia Bradford, was suspended without pay after the Oakland County Prosecutor’s office charged her and her husband, Larry Bradford, with assault with a dangerous weapon and felony firearm. The charges stem from a gas station brawl involving Bradford’s husband just after midnight on New Year’s Day over … Read more

Georgia Teen Arrested After Killing A Man While Playing With A Gun

A 15-year-old was arrested on November 4th in Valdosta, Georgia, after allegedly shooting and killing a man while playing with a gun.  According to the Valdosta Police Department, the incident unfolded around 5 PM on Monday after they received a 911 call stating that someone had been shot inside a home. When authorities arrived on … Read more

Washington Man Shoots Himself In The Butt, Blames It on Stranger

A Washington man faces felony charges after shooting himself in the butt at a gas station on Nov. 3. Police caught up with the victim/suspect at a local hospital where he promptly blamed the shooting on a stranger, but authorities were already the wiser. Officers responded to a Shell gas station in Kent around 3:15 … Read more

11-Year-Old Boy Shot During West Palm Beach Gun Deal

An 11-year-old boy is recovering after authorities say he was shot on the afternoon of October 14 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Officers report the shooting took place at a residence on Divison Avenue where nine children were left completely unsupervised. Sure, what could go wrong? On Wednesday, the West Palm Beach Police Department released … Read more

Pennsylvania Teen With Toy Gun Shot During Attempted Robbery

Kensington, Pennsylvania, police say a teen has been hospitalized after being shot while using a toy gun in an attempt to rob a man who was armed with a real gun. The victim and his girlfriend were taking a walk around 11 PM on September 29th near the 2200 block of Emerald Street in East … Read more

What If Someone Tries To Rob You While Camping?

Look at any RV message board or Facebook group and you’ll see posts about “the knock.” For some people, it’s just that they parked in the wrong place and tried to sleep against the rules or some local ordinance aimed at the homeless. For others, a stealth van life setup wasn’t stealthy enough, and someone … Read more

DENIAL HAS NO SURVIVAL VALUE: Chicago Pols Attempt To Normalize Violence, Crime

Chicago’s brilliant leader Brandon Johnson (Let’s go Brandon!) and his fellow radicals running America’s Murder City have rolled out a new strategy for dealing with the ever-growing crime plaguing the city. Instead of arresting offenders and incarcerating them or urging locals to embrace their right to keep and bear arms, the new strategy simply normalizes … Read more

The Tragedy Continues: 31 Shot, 5 Killed in Chicago Memorial Day Weekend Violence…And We Still Have Today to Go

Between Friday and Sunday this weekend, Chicago witnessed what has become its almost expected tragic surge in gun violence, with at least 31 people shot and five fatalities. The violence underscores a simple fact: the city doesn’t have a gun problem, it has a crime problem, more pointedly, it has a gang crime problem. And … Read more