White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention More Interested in Political Theater than Actual Prevention

The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention is hosting the first in-person meeting of federal agencies to figure out what to do after a tragic mass murder and criminal misuse of firearms. The focus will be on what resources can be brought to bear after a shocking crime has been committed that once again … Read more

NY Gov Bans the Long Gun for National Guardsman Patrolling Subways

Apparently New Yorkers want to feel safe from the surge in subway crime in Metropolis, but the sight of big, scary rifles in the hands of those sent to protect them is just a little too much. As a result, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has directed the National Guard to cease carrying long guns … Read more

The Pure Evil That Targets Women Is Real, And We Should Be Ready To Defend Ourselves

A story out of Arizona tells us about a man who is being held not only for murder, but the stabbings of multiple women in a number of states. It was a years-long spree that only ended when the stabbing tour came to Arizona. Twenty-six-year-old Raad Almansoori started his crime spree against women in Florida. … Read more

‘NOT BY ACCIDENT’: California Sheriff Roasts ‘Radicals’ In California For Exploding Crime Problem

The Left in America loves to champion “Criminal Justice Reform.”  Running that slogan through the universal translator,  that means not putting criminals in jails or prison, emptying prisons bad bad people already there and and end to cash bail.  It also includes legalizing drugs and decriminalizing crime through legislation. Of course, these lead to more … Read more

Two Videos Show Us How NOT To Deal With Shoplifters

Watching videos of robberies in California can be pretty depressing. Not only do we see a breakdown of the economy and the rule of law happening, but it just sucks to see value being taken from people who earned it (shareholders and/or people who pay insurance premiums) to people who didn’t. It’s unfair, it stinks … Read more

What Would You Do When Your Walk in the Park Goes Bad?

QUESTION: You are walking home through the park near sunset. Suddenly, you are confronted with several very large young men who tell you to “give me your money and your phone!” You know a robbery when you see it. You draw your gun and tell them no. They flee into the park leaving you alone. … Read more

David Hogg is Confused: None of Our Rights Are Absolute

  Imagine a Harvard man who can’t seem to write three sentences without contradicting himself. If you’re thinking of inveterate attention whore called David Hogg, you win a cookie. The awardee of an undergraduate place at Harvard has taken to Twitter to opine that the Second Amendment isn’t an absolute right. “None of our rights … Read more

Need Another Reason to Carry? Cops Make Arrests Resulting in Convictions in Just 2% of Major Crimes

Welcome to 2021. For those of you out there who have not made a resolution to pack heat every day for personal defense, here’s a fact to consider. Police make arrests in just 11% of major crimes nationwide. Here’s another factoid.  Only 2% of major crimes result in a conviction of the guilty party. There … Read more

New York Times: Gang Culture is Gun Culture

The New York Times published a recent article titled, “Bravado, Self-Defense, Fear: Why These Young Men Carry Guns.” In it they talk about the 2020 gang violence spike in the city and somehow tie it all in to being the fault of what they believe is a world representative of the “gun culture.” The article … Read more