Chicago Police Department Plan for Dealing With the Van Dyke Verdict Has Some Gaping Holes

In “The Purge” movie franchise, cops take a day off and society has a free-for-all. With the Jason Van Dyke murder trial wrapping up, Chicago Police have a plan to bolster the numbers of cops on the streets to handle any potential outbreak of (more) violence. If you haven’t been following the action, Van Dyke … Read more

The Truth About Gun Violence in America

How many times have we heard it, “The NRA and Republicans are responsible for gun violence in America!!” Whoa, whoa, whoa – now just hold your horses there one minute, missy – since when does the NRA or the GOP advocate for gun violence? And excuse me but what about the cries to “stop politicizing” … Read more

This Is What Happens To a Disarmed Populace: Crime in Mexico Runs Rampant

By law in Mexico, only cops and crooks have guns. Too often, thanks to corruption, the government works for the crooks.  Meanwhile, the Mexican population, rendered unarmed by Mexico’s strict gun laws, know the folly of bringing a machete to a gunfight. Given how only bad guys have guns, it should surprise no one that … Read more

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: Sex Toy Store Stick-Up All due props to adult store manager Amy for keeping her cool while staring down the barrel of a gun. As she says in the above interview, she smelled a rat as soon as the would-be stick-up man walked into Lotions and Lace. The gun “just didn’t look right” to her. And from the … Read more