Life in Chicago: Theatre Cancels Sunday Evening Show Due To Double Shooting Outside

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s lousy leadership continues to pay dividends for the violent criminals element in her city. Even in formerly nice and relatively peaceful parts of the city by the lake, criminals now brazenly ply their trade with little to worry from police. This past weekend, 35 people gained fresh bullet holes and 9 … Read more

You Know Who Else Wears Masks? [VIDEO]

Illinois residents along with other deep blue states have faced mask mandates for almost two years now. Obviously compliance has varied widely by geography and by location. It’s also evolved into furious virtue signaling by some. One group who eagerly embraced masks didn’t really care about any purported health benefits of masking or virtue signaling. … Read more

New York Times: Gang Culture is Gun Culture

The New York Times published a recent article titled, “Bravado, Self-Defense, Fear: Why These Young Men Carry Guns.” In it they talk about the 2020 gang violence spike in the city and somehow tie it all in to being the fault of what they believe is a world representative of the “gun culture.” The article … Read more

Virginia: Now Officially Of The Criminals, By The Criminals, and For The Criminals

The hellhole-to-be that people call the state of Virginia” is actually the commonwealth of Virginia. I propose a bill that would change the name to something a little more modern and representative of what the state is becoming. Crimewealth of Virginia I understand that geographically, most of the state is full of decent people who … Read more

Another Reason (If You Needed One) to Carry a Gun: Bail ‘Reform’

In most of the nation, setting bail not only helps ensure criminals make their court dates, but also serves as a deterrent to more criminal activity. After all, one can’t victimize innocent, law-abiding Americans when you’re in jail. And being re-arrested while you’re waiting for trial might just forfeit your bond. New York State, however, … Read more

DOJ: 90 Percent of Criminals Obtain Firearms From Places OTHER Than Retailers

You don’t say… The Department of Justice just updated its decades-old study asking criminals where they got the guns they used in committing the crime for which they were currently incarcerated. After asking 287,000 prisoners in 2016 where they got the gun they used, 90 percent of them “did not obtain it from a retail … Read more

CNN NEWS FLASH: Criminals Who Lie On 4473 Forms Act Criminally

Yeah…this is not a joke, but it could be. Way to go, CNN. That’s some ace reporting you’ve done there. Again. Last year, thousands of people trying to buy guns from dealers made false statements about their past on the required federal form, then went on to fail the background check due to a serious … Read more