I’ll admit it. I’m a sucker for CSI. Not CSI: Miami. Can’t stand David Whats-his-name’s overacting. Nope as much as I like Lieutenant Dan, I’m a big fan of the original CSI show. Vegas, baby! Tonight’s episode was of interest to TTAG readers, as it involved a corpse shot with several hundred rounds of everything from .50 cal Ma Duce rounds to .38s. I don’t wanna spoil it for you, but it also involves an outdoor gun range. The episode should be online in a couple of days. When it is, I’ll update the post, so you can see it for yourself.
In the meantime, let me point out that the script has the CSIs, shall we say, express disdain for citizens celebrating their 2nd Amendment rights by shooting fully-automatic weapons. That’s not completely unexpected. Hollywood is not exactly teeming with people that support gun rights. (They are more than willing to exploit guns for their ratings, but they want nothing else to do with them.) However, the show did feature something that caught my eye (in more ways than one).