Secondary Tools: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Today’s pocket dump includes a CZ P-07, a Ka-Bar TDI, and a Kershaw Blur. We’ve talked about edged weapon skills and folders versus fixed blades in the past, but we may as well revisit some of it…from another angle. If you carry a secondary means of self-defense such a knife or OC spray, have you … Read more

EDC Holster Selection: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Today’s pocket dump is more of a pack dump and comes from Nate in Kansas, who says “This is the Frame out of the DeepCover EDC System. This portion slides into a sleeve that then slides into nearly any bag that can carry a laptop. Instantly adding immense functionality with little to no impact on … Read more

CZ with a Grip Sleeve Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

  A CZ P-07 with a Kydex IWB holster and a spare mag in a Kydex mag holster are the stars of this pocket dump. The CZ has a grip sleeve, something I like to add to some of my own handguns (yeah, different companies tend to label them using varying names such as grip … Read more