St. Louis and Washington D.C. Demonstrate – Yet Again – That Gun Control Isn’t About Reducing Crime

With many prominent government officials exhibiting a flagrant indifference to violent crime, it’s getting harder for anti-gun politicians to pretend that their gun control schemes are anything other than a means to harass law-abiding gun owners. Recent incidents from anti-gun jurisdictions St. Louis and the District of Columbia further illustrate this point. In early July, … Read more

Washington, D.C. Set to Lower Penalties for Carrying Without a Permit, Felon in Possession

This is apparently what happens when rabidly anti-gun blue city governments come full circle. Washington, D.C., if you’ll remember, used to ban handgun ownership, even within the owner’s home. Lawfully owned long guns were required to be stored unloaded and either disassembled or “bound by a trigger lock.” That, after all, is how we got … Read more

Go Figure: Washington, DC’s Strict Gun Control Laws Fail to Keep The City’s Citizens Any Safer

By Larry Keane The nation’s attention was drawn to Washington, D.C., last weekend and not because of politics. Criminals exchanged gunfire right outside Nationals Park, the Major League Baseball stadium in the nation’s capital. Videos showed fans scrambling for the exits in fear and surveillance cameras captured the incident. Police are working leads to bring the perpetrators to justice, … Read more

Racial Justice: The Push for More Gun Control Hits Minorities Hardest

This is what gun control looks like in practice. When the New York Police Department tried to reduce violent crime by stopping pedestrians, questioning them, and patting them down for weapons, the overwhelming majority of the people subjected to such treatment were black or Hispanic. And when they were frisked, which happened about half the time, police almost never found … Read more