External Safety Use: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Robert says he recently updated his EDC:  “Just bought the Kershaw Select Fire. And upgraded to the BLACKHAWK! mag holster. And just bought the Drop Box for my edc.” His daily carry is a Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 chambered in 9mm. I noticed he has the model with an external thumb safety. What do … Read more

Ruger LC9 Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

The Ruger LC9 (this one carried in a N82 Tactical IWB holster) is a handgun with a certain following in the gun world. I actually see it appear quite a bit in women’s shooting groups on social media, almost always as a first gun. In fact, a friend of mine just bought his girlfriend one as … Read more

Glock 34 with an RMR: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Today we have a Glock 34 with a Surefire WML and a Trijicon RMR. Red dots continue to gain a following on carry guns and the RMR is a fantastic option. How about you guys, do you prefer irons or red dots? If you prefer red dots which one do you use and how much … Read more

Caliber Wars: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Yes it’s another Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0…this one is in .40 S&W, though. Cue requisite “short and weak” comments. Here’s the deal, though: .40 S&W still has a place in the self-defense world. Sure, shooting 9mm is cheaper and recoil is a bit less. But have you ever considered perhaps the edge .40 S&W … Read more

Minimalist Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This time we have a relatively streamlined carry. Just a holstered GLOCK and a folder. There are a lot of pros to such minimal carry, not the least of which is better concealability. It does mean you don’t have spare mags, though, and there’s no TQ or IFAK. What do you guys think? Is minimal … Read more

The Gun Safe: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

We’ve seen the H&K P7 make an occasional appearance in past posts (seems unlikely there are a dozen different P7 owners submitting pocket dumps). What’s really interesting is that there’s a Liberty Gun Safe in the corner of this photo. How many of you guys store your handguns or other home defense firearms in a … Read more

An RMR and a Streamlight: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This GLOCK 19 has All the Aftermarkets on it…well, at least it has a red dot and light. The red dot is a Trijicon RMR which is, I must say, an awesome red dot. It’s well-made and the clarity is fantastic. The WML is a Streamlight which is another company I’ve had a lot of … Read more

A .40 With a Frickin’ Laser: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This GLOCK 27 has an extended magazine with an XGrip Magazine Sleeve over it for comfort’s sake. Yes, the Glock 27 is chambered in .40 S&W, and in my experience it’s an accurate little gun. Using an extended magazine is a good idea to improve your grip but it does make it more difficult to … Read more