Dancing FBI Agent Who Shot a Man at a Denver Bar Won’t Do Jail Time

Pop quiz: How many months/years would the average American law-abiding gun owner have to spend in jail if he accidentally shot another person at a bar? Answer: none…if that gun owner also happens to be a FBI agent. The FBI agent charged with accidentally shooting a man after doing a backflip on the dance floor … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: The SIG P320 Saga, Graduation Plates and The Pontification of the Lambs

Trigger warning CNN — yes, CNN — gives an excellent accounting of the SIG SAUER P320 drop safety debacle . . . Callaway initially told CNN he was satisfied with Sig Sauer’s responsiveness. “They conducted themselves well. I notified them of my demand they fix these weapons, and they complied within six months, which is … Read more

Dancing FBI Agent Drops His Gun, Shoots Bystander While Trying to Pick It Up

Yesterday we showed you an unusual situation. A man who had holstered his concealed carry pistol later bent over, causing the gun to discharge. The question was…how did that happen? Many of you had your theories (bad holster, shirt got in the way, it’s a GLOCK!). This morning, we have a discharge of a different … Read more