OkCupid Users Say Climate Change Skepticism – Not Gun Ownership – Is Their #1 Dealbreaker

Good news for gun-owning singles using dating apps to find their mates. Or a hookup.  Dating app OKCupid reports that a survey of their users shows gun ownership isn’t the biggest dealbreaker among prospective daters. In fact, guns apparently didn’t even come close. Instead, 90% of that company’s open-minded (cough) users view those who are … Read more

30 Days to Conceal Carry, Day 14

So as we cruise into the midpoint of my little 30-day chronicle, it occurs to me that I’ve not talked about guns and dating. There’s actually a reason for that. I don’t get out much. Being a divorced dad, I’ve learned, the hard way, that this dating thing is time-consuming, expensive, and unpredictable at best. Simply put, dating is a bitch. One of the many reasons I never wanted to be single again was the prospect of having to screw my courage to the sticking place and go back to dating again. I’ve got nothing against dating, per se, but the challenge of finding a girl to date is a little more daunting and time-consuming than I enjoy. Between courting, planning, dating, worrying about money, et cetera, it’s not like I need one more thing to act as a barrier within the concept of my social life.


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