At Least David Chipman’s Super-Secret ‘Firearms 101’ Online Course for Everytown Was Entertaining

David Chipman squirmed when the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee grilled him for an “assault weapon” definition. The gun control lobbyist nominated by President Joe Biden to become the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) just couldn’t bring himself to come up with one. “There’s no way I could define an … Read more

ATF Nominee Steve Dettelbach is Just a Less Creepy Version of David Chipman

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . President Biden continued his siege on the Second Amendment by announcing gun-control regulations targeting self-manufactured arms and confirming his intention to nominate Steven Dettelbach, an Everytown for Gun Safety-endorsed, anti-Second Amendment zealot to lead the ATF. Biden’s proposed rule to eliminate so-called “ghost guns” would create an … Read more

After the Chipman Debacle, Biden Has Reportedly Found Another Candidate to Head the ATF

After withdrawing the president’s first ATF nominee, David Chipman, in September, the White House is expected to pick someone who could have a smoother path to Senate confirmation. If Biden’s next nominee is able to secure 50 votes, it would be the first time the ATF has had a permanent director since 2015. During an unsuccessful … Read more

For the Gun Control Industry and Their Backers, 2021 Was a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year

By Larry Keane National groups began the year with the high hopes of further restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. To them, it wasn’t about God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution or even about personal and community safety. To them it’s all about control. But those hopes were decidedly dashed every step of the way throughout … Read more

Chipman’s Fundraising Lies About the NRA and NSSF Make it Clear He Was Never Qualified to Head the ATF

  Now that gun control lobbyist David Chipman is no longer in the running to head the ATF, he’s letting it all hang out in terms of anti-gun rhetoric and smearing the gun industry. The Giffords employee has just put his name on a fundraising email that spins some fanciful excuses for his failure as … Read more

Silver Lining: The Afghanistan Collapse Kills Biden’s Gun Control Agenda and the Chipman Nomination

It took Joe Biden just seven months to cripple this country’s economy, security and credibility. On Sunday, Biden lost the moral authority he needs to govern, as well as the respect of voters, foreign leaders and the mainstream media, who have finally stopped asking about his daily dose of ice-cream and turned their attention to … Read more

Gun Control Orgs Fume as the Chipman ATF Nomination Stalls

By Larry Keane President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), David Chipman, has become embroiled in yet another controversy. The Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is digging for answers. Chipman’s Democratic defenders, though, are suspiciously quiet. He’s a forgotten man … Read more

Chipman Hit By Two New Scandals and Even His Buddies at CNN Took Note.

By now, President Biden’s nominee for ATF Director, David Chipman, is no stranger to scandals. He came under fire for lies he told about the Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas. There’s the fact that he’s been a paid lobbyist for Giffords and Everytown, and advocated that FFLs close and not be deemed an “essential … Read more

It’s a Real Mystery Why the Mainstream Press Aren’t More Interested in David Chipman’s Past

Let’s concede for the sake of argument, however, that Chipman’s nomination is based on his work as a civil servant. Why then hasn’t the Washington Post, or virtually any other establishment media outlet, reported on his record while in government? The Reload’s Stephen Gutowski seems to be the only journalist interested in digging into Chipman’s history. And … Read more