DeSantis Set To Repeal Parkland Gun Control Measures

The 2018 Parkland, Florida, shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School led to an avalanche of tragedy, including seventeen fatalities, the knee-jerk signing of Senate Bill 7026 by then-Governor Rick Scott, and David Hogg. Unfortunately, we can’t bring back the lives of those we lost that day, and it seems David Hogg will be dining … Read more

Anti-Gun Activist Busy Raising Funds for Dems

Tim Walz is citing weapons he never carried in wars he never fought to justify his radical anti-gun policies.  Walz wants universal background checks, government sponsored anti-gun research, Red Flag laws, an end to concealed-carry reciprocity and the confiscation of ARs, which he calls “weapons of war.”  “I spent 25 years in the Army, and … Read more

After Blaming Almost Everyone for Gun Crime, Harvard Man David Hogg Now Goes After…White Women

From the NRA-ILA . . . Is there anyone or anything that professional ranter, former progressive pillow company executive, and anti-gun activist David Hogg hasn’t blamed for gun crime? The NRA, predictably, has been pretty much at the top of his list (for instance, here, here, and here), but to date, the admittedly far-from-complete list also includes . . . … Read more

SHOCKER: Gutless David Hogg Refuses to Debate Colion Noir on the Second Amendment

  As Colion Noir puts it in the video above, “The problem with the gun debate in this country is, there is no debate. Because the only people willing to debate is the pro-2A community.” David Hogg backed out of a debate that was scheduled by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and the Center for the … Read more

David Hogg Joined the Harvard Shooting Club to, You Know, Find the Nuance in the Gun Control Debate

The reality is, right now, I’d rather focus on what we can agree on, which is that, you know, we need to do something. We need to act. And we agree that gun violence, no matter if we’re on the left or right, is unacceptable. School shootings, daily acts of gun violence, you know, ridiculous … Read more

David Hogg Makes the Case for Arming Teachers and Other School Employees

Remember even when there ARE cops on campus doesn’t mean they will do a damn thing and when they don’t the system does NOTHING. The cop in Parkland like those in Uvalde wasn’t a good guy with a gun he was a coward with a gun. Fuck Scott Peterson — David Hogg 🟧 (@davidhogg111) June … Read more

David Hogg: You Have No Right To Own A Gun

You have no right to a gun. You are not a militia. When you’re talking about your second amendment rights you’re talking about a states right to have what is today the national guard. The modern interpretation of 2A is a ridiculous fraud pushed for decades by the gun lobby. — David Hogg ☮️ (@davidhogg111) … Read more

Gun Control Advocates’ Lies and Duplicity Are Right There for Everyone to See

By Mark Oliva There’s an interesting phenomenon occurring with those demanding gun control lately. They’ve abandoned pretenses of “common sense.” Now, it’s not gun control. It’s gun rights elimination. President Joe Biden leads the gun control charade parade. The president chides gun owners for not supporting his gun control agenda while at the same time … Read more

David Hogg Is Really Very Angry at Democrats Right Now

The struggle for the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress to enact any meaningful legislation to enhance gun safety reflects how the party’s ambitious agenda has been frustratingly stunted by internal squabbling, the persistence of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The almost complete Republican opposition to Democratic priorities, including gun rules, has hobbled … Read more