David Hogg Joined the Harvard Shooting Club to, You Know, Find the Nuance in the Gun Control Debate

The reality is, right now, I’d rather focus on what we can agree on, which is that, you know, we need to do something. We need to act. And we agree that gun violence, no matter if we’re on the left or right, is unacceptable. School shootings, daily acts of gun violence, you know, ridiculous … Read more

David Hogg: You Have No Right To Own A Gun

You have no right to a gun. You are not a militia. When you’re talking about your second amendment rights you’re talking about a states right to have what is today the national guard. The modern interpretation of 2A is a ridiculous fraud pushed for decades by the gun lobby. — David Hogg ☮️ (@davidhogg111) … Read more

Libertarians Lulz at David Hogg’s Expense [VIDEO]

Poor David Hogg. He was gifted a spot at Harvard even though he didn’t have the grades to get himself into the local community college. But we live in a time when victimhood, activism, and media celebrity count for more than academic achievement and test scores. Worse still, David has an iPhone and a Twitter … Read more