Democratic Party’s ‘Defeat Disinfo’ Trolls Coming to TTAG?

The left in America has a problem. The mainstream media (MSM) has lost its monopoly on news and information for the American people. And now, firms are “hiring small armies of social-media mercenaries to do battle for Democrats.” Does this mean more paid gun rights foes and self-defense hating trolls commenting at TTAG as we … Read more

Busted? Dr. Joseph Sakran Deletes Tweets Claiming He Was Threatened Over His Gun Control Advocacy

Yesterday we ran a post noting that Dr. Joseph Sakran, the Johns Hopkins surgeon and ardent advocate of gun control, had posted images on Twitter of what he claimed was a threat he received in the form of a cartoon image of a handgun on a piece of paper placed on his car’s windshield. There … Read more

The Big Dollar, Dark Money Contributions That Fund March For Our Lives

March For Our Lives holds itself up as a grassroots gun control org, much like Moms Demand Action. And just like the Moms, the (supposedly) student-led March For Our Lives organization gets their funding not from the little people, but from a group of big dollar donors. While the NRA and other gun rights orgs … Read more

David Hogg: I’ve Been the Target of 7 Assassination Attempts!

What happens when your 15 minutes months of fame finally fade and you’re no longer the subject of fawning profiles and softball interviews by media outlets that want nothing more than to help you spread your anti-gun message? Easy! Make up a story about how your opponents in the debate want you dead and portray … Read more

Prescott: Hogg a Pawn for Billionaire Gun Control Lobby

Lesson of the day: be careful when quoting statistics. Always be confident in your numbers. Who here knows the Massachusetts stats last reported by the FBI? Massachusetts gun laws and only served to infringe on the civil rights of law-abiding citizens. The result is that our violent crime is almost 3 percent higher than the … Read more

Gun Control Advocates and the Media Claim There’s a School Shooting Epidemic. They Lie.

Reader Jeff S. writes: The “gun violence prevention” movement and their media allies are in a frenzy this week to exploit the anniversary of last year’s Parkland Florida tragedy to stir a moral panic against the NRA and gun owners. As the survivors who advocate for gun control get lavish attention, it is helpful to … Read more

Hogg: 97 Percent of Americans Want Universal Background Checks

David Hogg is back and as indoctrinated as ever: Ninety-seven percent. That’s the overwhelming percentage of Americans who are in favor of universal background checks. No issue in American politics is more universally agreed upon than this. Yet nearly 40,000 people died last year due to gun violence. When our school was shot up, we … Read more

Who’s Going to Tell David Hogg That Guns Save Lives? [GRAPHIC IMAGE]

David Hogg desperately wants his fifteen minutes of fame to continue. When Senator Marco Rubio tweeted a religious message last Friday, December 7th, the media’s favorite anti-gun teen just couldn’t help himself. Furiously tapping away at his keyboard, Hogg tweeted back “Who is going to be the one to tell Marco Rubio that Bible verses … Read more

Some Chick on Twitter: Poor People Are Too Uneducated to Own Guns

When David Hogg took to Twitter on November 28, 2018 and stated “congress ought to create a federal tax on gun sales to fund gun violence research” fellow Parkland student and gun rights supporter Kyle Kashuv had an immediate answer. Kashuv tweeted back “David, please realize that this penalizes people from low income areas that … Read more