ATF Death Watch 42: Where Did They Get Those Wonderful Toys?

Okay, so we’ve established that, contrary to what the ATF, the Mexican and American governments and the mainstream media would have us believe, there is no “River of Guns” flowing from gun shows and legit gun dealers in the U.S. to Mexico. Furthermore, we’ve noted that most of the weapons the cartels do have came from “official” sources, such as government agencies, corrupt law enforcement officials and the like. This was confirmed, in a weird way, by the head of the Los Zetas drug cartel, who insists that he bought his weapons legally, in the United States . . .

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ATF Death Watch 39: TX Rep. Calls Fast & Furious a Conspiracy to Regulate Guns

Apparently, members of the TTAG Armed Intelligentsia are not alone in their suspicions that the ATFs blunderific crapfest known as Fast n’ Furious was part of a plan to regulate guns. Congressman Blake Farenthold (R-TX) spells out what he thinks are Obama’s motivations that drove him to issue executive orders that circumvent Congress, the U.S. Constitution, and Federal law, to create a long gun registry on our Southern border. Appearing on Cam & Company, Representative Farenthold spells it out. 

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ATF Death Watch 37: Collateral Damage


With the Obama Administration using Executive Orders to implement policies that are clearly outside Federal Law in order to draw attention away from the ATF Follies (Projects Gunwalker/Gunrunner/Fast n’ Furious/et al),  you’d think the Boys inside the Beltway would pounce on something – anything – that would make the ATF look credible, and give some credence to the idea of a “River o’ Guns” flowing into Mexico. And you’d be wrong. Witness the way the ObamaNation has completely overlooked this little gem coming out of a “scandal-plagued New Mexico border town” who just fired their entire police department due to a gun smuggling scandal.

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