Defender Tactical Mini-Pro Lifter and Cartridge Arrestor System for Mossberg Shotguns

I’m a fan of mini shotgun shells like the Aguila Mini Shells and Federal Shorty Shells. I realize they have their limitations concerning range and power level compared to full-sized shells, but I think they’re still a viable option if you keep those things in mind. The biggest problem with mini shells is that they … Read more

Things That Don’t Suck: Defender Tactical CoSight for Mossberg Shotguns

I don’t work for Defender Tactical, and I have never received any compensation from Defender Tactical. However, I did have a hand in designing their new CoSight system you see here. I don’t want to overstate how much work I did. If we broke it down, it was probably about two percent while the father … Read more

Things that Don’t Suck: Defender Tactical HighBall and SafetySight

I love Mossberg shotguns. I have a fair number of them, and they tend to be my preferred pump gun option. They’re great guns, but they aren’t perfect. On Mossberg’s tactical shotguns, they tend to either use ghost ring sights or a bead sight. On the bead-sighted guns, they attach a low bead directly to … Read more

Gear Review: Defender Tactical Universal Minishell Adapter for Mossberg Pump Shotguns

I’ve talked a lot about mini shells, and I’ve experimented with all the varieties I can get my hands on. I’m still trying to get my hands on some of the Mason Munitions No.1 mini shells, but they are continually sold out. One of my biggest complaints about mini shells is compatibility. Recently Defender Tactical … Read more