Trading Shears for Shots, Barber Cuts Loose on Bandit in Self-Defense

A man strode into a San Antonio barbershop looking for more than just a little off the sides and began waving a gun and demanding wallets and purses from the patrons in the establishment. When one of the barbers, a 26-year-old man who was part owner of the business, didn’t comply quickly enough, the bandit began pistol … Read more

Florida Fight Leads to Defensive Shooting

A man is dead and a woman injured following a defensive shooting this past weekend at Notting Hill Condominiums in Lake Mary, Florida. According to, deputies responded to the scene shortly after 2 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 5. They found a man with life-threatening gunshot wounds and a woman with a non-life-threatening gunshot wound … Read more

New Details Emerge in Christmas Eve Defensive Shooting at Tennessee Walmart

Newly released details about the Christmas Eve shooting at a Clarksville, Tennessee, Walmart and reported on TTAG reveal the armed citizen who shot a man dangerously wielding a handgun in the store following an altercation acted in defense of his family. According to Clarksville Now, 19-year-old suspect, Labron Gibson, pulled out a gun and held … Read more

Father Forced to Shoot His Son in Self-Defense

The father of a A 33-year-old man was forced to shoot his son in self-defense after a family argument broke out and the younger man began physically attacking his parents. Officers in Lenoir City, Tennessee, responded to the family’s home around 8:30 p.m. Dec. 10 after a neighbor reported a fight, Chief Don White told … Read more

Flat Tire Turned Machete Attack, Takes a Bad Day to Worse

We’ve all had that day, where a car that won’t start or a sudden flat tire turns a normal morning into one filled with stress and aggravation. It’s how we deal with that added stress and aggravation that can make our day get better or get much worse. For Michael Lope Montes De Oca in … Read more

Gun Beats Vehicle as Armed Citizen Stops Attacker from Running People Over

While police have shown time and again skill at successfully using a 5,000-pound bullet (aka police cruiser) to stop a threat, the threats themselves seem to be having trouble executing the same stunt with their vehicles on their intended victims. Recently, in Ohio, an armed citizen prevented a man behind the wheel of a car from running over him … Read more

What Would You Do? A Father’s Worst Nightmare

In a tragic and legally complicated case out of central Arkansas, a father is now facing murder charges after discovering an older man with his missing 14-year-old daughter in a vehicle under allegedly illicit circumstances and shooting him. Aaron Spencer, 36, was arrested for the fatal shooting of 67-year-old Michael Fosler, a man who was … Read more

Weed Store Owner Claims Self-Defense in Fatal Shooting Amid Post-Hurricane Chaos

Just hours after Hurricane Helene swept through the Big Bend region of Florida, causing widespread destruction throughout the area and beyond, an attempted robbery at a local weed store escalated into a fatal shooting. With law enforcement stretched thin responding to numerous storm-related emergencies, a pair of robbers sought to take advantage of the distraction … Read more

Hawaii Homeowner Arrested After Stopping Violent Neighbor, Released After Self-Defense Ruling

Only in Hawaii would prosecutors arrest an armed homeowner who stopped a violent neighbor who had just rammed several cars with a front-end loader, shot and killed three women, wounded two others, and posed an immediate threat to shoot more. Yet, that’s exactly what law enforcement officials did before ultimately deciding not to pursue charges, … Read more