Portland Man Settles $400,000 Civil Suit After Self-Defense Shooting

In many states, if you shoot someone in justified self-defense and are cleared of criminal charges, the person you shot (or his family) can still sue you for damages in civil court. That’s the case in Oregon where a small business owner named Charlie Win Chan recently paid out $400,000 in just such a lawsuit. … Read more

Former LEO Warner: You Take a Life, You’re Going to Go Through Something

“Whether you’re in law enforcement or a private citizen, you take a life, you’re going to go through something,” [former LEO Brian] Warner said. “We don’t do enough to combat that.” Aliza Luft agrees. She’s an assistant sociology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles who has studied war and violence in countries like … Read more

Man Shot Attempting to Break Into Fox 5 News Station in Washington, D.C.

A few short hours ago in Washington, D.C.’s NW Friendship Heights area, a man was shot after kicking in two plexiglass doors between the street and the TV station’s lobby. From The Washington Post: Video from two surveillance cameras, aired by Fox 5 News, showed the man wearing a red hooded sweatshirt walking up to … Read more

‘If You Act in Self-Defense, I’ll Back You 100 Percent,’ Says DA After Road Rage Shooting

A 58-year-old North Carolina man named Joseph Harrison just found out that he will not be charged after shooting another man in self-defense. According to reports, Harrison was driving on U.S. 70 before exiting onto Main Street in Valdese, North Carolina. While on the highway, Harrison was being tailgated by 21-year-old Max Barnes, who also … Read more