Why I Oppose All Gun Control, Despite Not Being A Conservative

While it is true many gun owners tend to lean more conservative in their overall political views because the Democratic Party today overwhelmingly supports more legislation limiting gun ownership, there are still people of every political stripe and walk of life who enjoy shooting and support the Second Amendment. But it can make it tricky … Read more

States Split on Gun Sale Tracking as New Laws Take Effect

A national debate has emerged over gun sale tracking as states adopt conflicting laws regarding the use of retail codes for firearms transactions. As reported earlier, a California law went into effect today that mandates credit card networks like Visa and Mastercard to assign special retail codes to gun stores, enabling banks to track their … Read more

Ohio’s Tim Ryan Fails in Shameless Attempt at Pandering to Ohio Gun Voters [VIDEO]

Oh, those evil, full-capacity black semi-auto 9mm handguns. You know, the kind that Joe Biden claims will blow your lungs out. They’re scary enough to keep most Democrat politicians far away. That kind of revulsion is probably what resulted the spectacle a rabidly anti-gun Senate Democrat’s embarrassing lack of skillz. But panic makes candidates do … Read more

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT: San Jose Mayor Plans to Confiscate Guns Of Those Who Haven’t Bought Insurance, Paid Fees

San Jose’s aspiring tyrant, Democrat Mayor Sam Liccardo, thinks he’s figured out a way to separate gun owners and their guns. He pushed through a measure to require gun owners to buy an insurance policy (that doesn’t exist) and to pay a “fee” in order to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Nevermind that the Mayor’s … Read more

One More Time: It’s Not ‘Gun Violence’ It’s Gang Violence

Every time you hear a politician or a media personality mention “gun violence,” you should mentally translate that phrase to “gang violence.” Not only that, but ask yourself if that politician or media outlet has an agenda by mislabeling gang violence as something entirely different. Obviously politicians who have enabled the “criminal justice reforms” that … Read more

Riots for Thee, But Not for Me: Washington Governor Calls Out Armed Troops To Protect His Mansion

This weekend, Washington State’s failed presidential hopeful but current Gov. Jay Inslee has called out 750 National Guardsmen, with their guns, to protect the Governor’s Mansion. This is the same governor who slow-walked calling out the Guard week after week of this summer’s riots in Seattle. From the Post Millennial: According to a Post Millennial exclusive, during … Read more

Illinois Rep. Sean Casten: We Need an Australia-Style Mandatory ‘Buyback’ Because America Has Too Many Guns

Illinois Representative Sean Casten feels deeply that “we have too many guns.” His innovative solution to this pressing problem: a buyback. But not just any ol’ buyback. The Daily Herald reported on it, saying: Already an advocate of stricter gun control laws, U.S. Rep. Sean Casten of Downers Grove this week voiced support for a … Read more

Senator Chuck Schumer Now Wants to Regulate the Sale of Body Armor, Too

When it comes to guns, Chuck Schumer, like most of his fellow Democrats in Washington, hasn’t met a gun he doesn’t want to ban. Now, as a further part of the anti-gun left’s knee-jerk reaction to recent high-profile murder sprees, he wants to ban body armor, too. To quote Kurt Schlichter, “Weird how the liberal … Read more

“I Lied”: Anti-gun Democrat Ex-Candidate Elizabeth McCarthy’s Problems Grow…

Recently I wrote about the rabidly anti-gun Elizabeth McCarthy who claimed that she removed 77 bullets from 32 victims of the Pulse Nightclub massacre. Nevermind that the Pulse shooting was a Muslim terror attack, she tried to use her claim as part of her campaign for a Florida state house seat and to call for … Read more