Exposing the Bizarre Lack of Logic Behind the Illinois Assault Weapon Ban

The Illinois assault weapons ban is currently under review in a federal appeals court after being ruled unconstitutional by U.S. District Judge Stephen McGlynn in November 2024, stating the ban violates the Second and 14th Amendments. Pointing out the bizarre nature of the ban, however, experts say that what makes a firearm an “assault weapon” is … Read more

Cotton: Democrats’ Anti-Cop, Pro-Criminal Policies Sparked the Great Crime Wave of 2020

New nationwide data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveals that last year the number of murders rose by 29 percent, drug overdose deaths increased 30 percent, and the number of gang-related killings skyrocketed more than 55 percent. To put this carnage into context, a 29 percent increase in murder isn’t simply bad, it’s the worst single-year increase in American history. Similarly, … Read more