Boch: Democrats’ Universal Background Check Bill is DOA in Congress

Our own Luis Valdes fears that a Democrat-led initiative to end private gun sales in America will pass in 2019. I’m not sure what kind of liquid he has in his gun control Magic 8-ball, but in my view, federal gun control efforts will remain a lame, three-legged dog that just won’t hunt during this … Read more

Pelosi’s Plans For A New Democrat-Controlled House: More Gun Control

Gun owners have not left the Democratic party. Instead, America’s Democratic Party has left gun owners.  History and polling data suggest Democrats will take over the House in this midterm election. Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader, can already feel the heft of the Speaker’s gavel. And she brags about her laser-focus to pass gun … Read more

Illinois State Rep. Kathleen Willis Goes After ‘Gun Sanctuary’ Counties

Illinois’ Queen of Gun Civilian Disarmament, Kathleen Willis, (above) loves herself some gun control. Never mind that Illinois’ debt is near “junk” status in the bond markets. Or the fact that the Prairie State loses nearly 100,000 people annually due to poor economics and ever-higher taxes. To State Representative Willis (D-Addison), Illinois has far bigger … Read more

The Truth About Gun Violence in America

How many times have we heard it, “The NRA and Republicans are responsible for gun violence in America!!” Whoa, whoa, whoa – now just hold your horses there one minute, missy – since when does the NRA or the GOP advocate for gun violence? And excuse me but what about the cries to “stop politicizing” … Read more

The Surefire Plan For Enacting More Gun Control Laws In America

“Marching (e.g., March for Our Lives; the Million Mom March) is good. Calling and emailing your congressional representatives is good. Letting Dick’s, Walmart and other businesses championing some form of gun control hear from you is good too. Supporting political savvy and increasingly effective national organizations promoting stronger gun laws is money well spent (especially … Read more

PA Dems Desperate to Stop Preemption Reform

By DC Dalton founder of the American Gun Owners Alliance Pennsylvania has a state preemption law that prohibits local governments from enacting gun laws more stringent that state law. It’s been around since the 1970s. Unfortunately, it has no teeth behind it and liberal anti-gun cities in particular have felt emboldened to ignore it. They pass … Read more

MA Dems Push Back Against AG Healey’s Unilateral ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey enacted her very own scary gun crackdown in late July, using nothing more than her pen and her phone (where have we heard that before?). The ban angered Bay State gun owners — and even some everyday folks — who recognized the “clarification” as a government gun grab aimed at law abiding and potential gun … Read more