In a perfect world, everybody takes their oaths of office seriously, tends to their knitting, and works hard as servants of We the People. Here’s the world U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder lives in: “The notion that somehow or other this thing [the Gunwalker scandal] reaches into the upper levels of the Justice Department is something that . . . I don’t think is supported by the facts. It’s kind of something I think certain members of Congress would like to see, the notion that somehow or other high-level people in the department were involved. As I said, I don’t think that is going to be shown to be the case — which doesn’t mean that the mistakes were not serious.” Not shown? Serious? U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered with an ATF-enabled gun. How do you reality check that kind of weaseling and hold those responsible responsible? Simple . . .
Is Homeland Security Cracking Down On 3-D Printing?
Some odd documents are circulating on the Internet which purport to show that the Department of Homeland Security wants to combat “illegal -D printing,” whatever that is, because making firearms for one’s own use is generally lawful and always has been in America. One reads . . . Combined classified BATFE and NSA data efforts … Read more