Dick’s Sporting Goods Dumps Gun Sales At 440 More Stores

Dick’s Sporting Goods has thrown in the towel on gun and ammo sales at another 440 of its stores. Because, for Dick’s CEO Ed Stack, losing $250 million in sales from implementing anti-gun measures simply wasn’t woke enough. That’s right: At last March’s stockholder’s meeting, Stack claimed his company had lost $150 million as a … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Ayatollahs for Gun Control, the Gun Divide and Amy’s Birthday Wish

Ayatollah Khamenei Calls for Gun Control—in the U.S. Expect to see his endorsement on the Moms Demand Action and Brady Campaign websites by Monday . . . Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has released a statement calling on the United Nations to “seriously” pursue seven “human rights” … Read more

Dick’s Sporting Goods Hires Lobbyists to Press Congress for Gun Control Laws

It apparently wasn’t enough for Dick’s Sporting Goods to announce, in the aftermath of the Parkland shooting, that they’d stop selling AR-15 rifles and won’t sell long guns to anyone under 21. Then they let it be known that, rather than disposing of their now non-salable ARs and other forbidden inventory in ways that would … Read more