Ed Stack’s Gun Moves Cost Dick’s Sporting Goods $150 Million – Is That a Breach of Fiduciary Duty?

Yesterday, Bloomberg reported that Dick’s Sporting Goods’ CEO, Ed Stack, cost his company a whopping $150 million last year when he made the decision to limit gun sales at Dick’s and Field & Stream stores. Since then, he’s yanked all guns and hunting gear from scores of their locations nationwide. Stack made the moves following … Read more

Dick’s Sporting Goods Stock Drops On Unexpectedly Lower Same Store Sales – Guns Blamed

We’ll do our best to contain our glee, but we have German blood in our veins and schadenfreude is very a real thing. We apologize in advance. All of that said, Dicks Sporting Goods today reported a larger-than-expected drop in same store sales and their stock has taken a dive as a result. What’s more, analysts … Read more