Air Force M4 Carbines Fire . . . Empty Brass?

This photo of a military K-9 handler firing an M4 has been making the rounds on the interwebs over the past couple of weeks as comic relief on social media (including TTAG’s entertaining accounts) and as a generic stock photo for news articles. When you see it, you’ll probably laugh. An empty brass case appears … Read more

Discover THIS: The lone gunman was an Eco-Nut.

God, how I love irony. (It’s like goldie or bronzie, but more afforable.) Today, when word went out across the InterWebs that someone had taken hostages at the formerly-credible tree-hugging network known as The Discovery Channel, I shuddered. Not because of the potential loss of innocent lives. That’s ALWAYS scary. No, I figured it would end up being some nut that was protesting how every other word on Discovery seems to be “green” and how they’ve become Al Gore’s bee-yatch on Ecological Ponzi Schemes (a.k.a. CLimate Change). But noooooooooo! It wasn’t a pistol-packin,’ Palin-lovin,’ animal-eatin’ cowboy shootin’ up the joint. Nope It was some moron who thought The Discovery Channel is too Conservative, and too soft on ecological issues.

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