Russian Military Set to Adopt the 9×21 Udav ‘Boa Constrictor’ Pistol

Old mother Russia has surely noticed the advancements in handgun design in the West over the past couple of decades.  More than enough time to evaluate what works and what doesn’t.  So it should surprise nobody that this spring, they will begin replacement of their 70-year-old Makarov pistols with a new 9×21 gun called the … Read more

Gun Review: Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm

The boss’s mouse gun malevolence notwithstanding, I’m still a fan of petite pistols and reserved revolvers. In fact, I was so impressed with Kel-Tec’s .380 P3AT that I just plunked down $239 of my own cabbage for one. Boy, has it been a dandy, reliably (and accurately) chomping its way through an inaugural 250 rounds of FMJs, JHPs, and assorted plastic-bagged reloads. All is good in my mouse gun paradise save one slightly-disturbing detail: those .380 bullets sure look small. For folks more bothered by this than me, the Kel-Tec Calvary has responded. Enter the 9mm Kel-Tec PF-9.

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Gun Review: Kel-Tec P3AT .380

Kel-Tec’s P3AT is one of the most popular pocket pistols pistol purveyors purvey. And no wonder. It’s small, light and cheap. And . . . there you have it. For most buyers, it’s enough; size, weight and price are the only three boxes a mouse gun needs to check. Especially one chambered in the doyenne of downsized destructive devices: 380. Of course, skin-flint gun enthusiasts want more. Safety. Reliability. Accuracy. Beauty. Ergonomics. Well, you can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, you just might find . . .

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Gun Review: SIG SAUER P250 9mm

As a kid, there was one toy I frequented more than anything with a barrel or trigger: LEGO® blocks. With these ingenious Danish creations, I was more than merely a defender of good and an avenger of evil; I was in control of literally everything. Pre-packaged kits for planes, trains, cars, municipal buildings or even spacecraft ultimately morphed into a custom-made (for me, by me) LEGO city nestled upon a discarded, three-tiered entertainment center. What made this possible?  No, Benjamin, not “plastics;” modularity made this possible. Enter the SIG SAUER P250.

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