Canadian Gun Owners Paying for RCMP’s Prohibited Firearms Licensing Screw-Up

When Dudley Do-Right isn’t foiling Snidely Whiplash or snatching poor Nell of the tracks just in the nick of time, he’s issuing permits to everyday Canadians who want to purchase firearms. The RCMP is responsible for permitting and registering non-prohibited, restricted and prohibited class firearms in the Great White North. But the Mounties made a … Read more

New York Times: Relaxing DC Gun Laws A “Pernicious Victory”

I like the word “pernicious.” Webster reckons it means “highly destructive or deadly.” When I hear the word, I think of a mustache-twirling bad guy tying some defenseless babe to railroad tracks. Of course, Nell wouldn’t have depended on Dudley to save her from Snidely’s bondage fetish if she’d had, say, a Glock. Which may be an obscure reference, but it’s plenty apt (IMHO). Check it: “Congress is poised, finally, to give the tax-paying citizens of the District of Columbia what they have been so long and so unfairly denied: a representative with the power to vote, today’s New York Times op ed opines. “But the gun lobby has extracted too high a price: the scuttling of vital local gun controls intended to keep the capital city’s residents safe.” There’s another excellent word: “intended.”

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