DC Shocker: Woman Acquitted of Murder, Other Charges After Self-Defense Claim

In a verdict that is more notable for where it occurred—Washington, DC—more so than why it occurred—a justifiable self-defense claim, Tierra Posey, a 24-year-old woman, was acquitted of all charges related to fatally shooting another woman during a fight in 2020. The acquittal came after a week-long trial in DC Superior Court, as reported by … Read more

Personal Defense: Duty to Retreat, Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine – Do You Know the Difference?

By Emily Taylor If you own a gun, it is imperative that you learn these three legal concepts that will help you know when it is reasonable to use deadly force. Most gun owners nationwide will recognize these three doctrines, even though they may have different names in each state. A better understanding of these … Read more

Ohio Governor DeWine Signs Bill Eliminating ‘Duty to Retreat’

In a surprise to many, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine actually signed a bill eliminating the duty to retreat for Ohio residents. Previously, the right to armed self defense had been limited to a person’s residence or vehicle. Under the new “stand your ground law,” Ohioans have the right to defend themselves against threats of death … Read more

Ohio Fast-Tracks Bill Eliminating Duty to Retreat

In the spirit of getting things done, especially given the current climate, lawmakers in Ohio are trying to fast-track a bill that would give residents of Ohio the right to stand their ground in the face of a life-threatening attack. Cincinnati.com reports: “Senate Bill 383 would eliminate the duty to retreat before using force in self-defense, … Read more

Columbus Dispatch: OMG! The ‘Gun Crowd’ Wants the Right to Defend Themselves Outside the Home! OMG!

The Columbus Dispatch is horrified by the thought of “stand your ground” protection for Ohio’s gun owners. They’re happy with the state’s duty to retreat requirement and shocked that the state’s gun owners (AKA “the gun crowd”) would object to such a “common sense” doctrine. To most people, the duty to retreat is common sense, … Read more

Working to Save the Right to Keep and Bear Arms – State Level Success Stories

By Chris W. Cox When I started with NRA in 1995, most of the attention our organization received was over legislative efforts in Congress. Firearm-related legislation at the federal level obviously has an impact on far more law-abiding gun owners than what happens in a single state. As I wrote last month, though, Congress often … Read more