What I’m Carrying Now: A GLOCK 20C and a Benchmade Axis

Daniel W. writes . . . This may be a bit different take on things. It should be quite obvious that this equipment gets used, and there’s not a lot of bling in it. This is my “What I’m Carrying Each Walk Around My Block”, a 7-mile round trip through rural Kentucky. My family has … Read more

An Environmental Consultant’s Shield: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Being an environmental consultant in the Sunshine State can bring you into contact with all manner of dangerous critters. Those on four legs, two legs and even no legs. Which is why ZM carries a sturdy knife and a dependable 9mm pistol. ZM’s carry gun of choice is the uber-popular Smith & Wesson M&P9 SHIELD M2.0. … Read more

Strych9’s Wife’s Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

While Strych9 carries a full-size H&K USP .45, his wife packs an FN FNS-9c with a spare magazine. Good on her for not only carrying, but carrying a reload too. Reloads are important.  In a nutshell because, as Clint Smith says, the fight will last until you run out of ammo.   And in this case, it looks … Read more

Strych9’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Could this be our own Strych9’s everyday carry at Everyday Carry? He writes, “Being diagnosed with Late Onset Type 1 Diabetes means you end up carrying a bunch of extra stuff around with you. Enough to justify carrying a bag around any time you leave the house because it’s cheaper and easier than changing every … Read more

Tactical Wallet Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This pocket dump includes a VP9 and a Dango Tactical Wallet. There’s also a pocket organizer containing an assortment of ink pens and an Atomic Bear Tactical Pen. You might also notice there’s a spare mag…in the pocket organizer. If your spare mag is stored in a zippered organizer, how fast do you think you … Read more

Extended Base Pad Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This pocket dump includes a GLOCK 43 with a spare mag. One of the two pictured mags has a Taran Tactical +2 base pad which is great not only for the additional capacity but because it also means the end of dangling pinkies. After all, having a concealable gun is important, but so is getting … Read more

Ruger SP101 Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Seeing a Ruger SP101 daily carry is a nice change. Revolvers like the Ruger are a solid choice for every day carry although I do have one suggestion: learn to use and carry speed loaders or speed strips (or both). If you have a revolver and you don’t have a speed loader, rectify that situation … Read more

Your Bare Minimum Cartridge: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

A GLOCK 27, an Olight, and a Benchmade make up this pocket dump. The 27 is a Gen4 meaning it isn’t someone’s holdover .40 S&W from long ago. But we’ve talked about the .40 before so let’s attack this from a different angle. How much gun is enough for self-defense? Where do you draw the … Read more

GLOCK 45: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

When you see a 9mm GLOCK in a pocket dump it’s usually a GLOCK 19. Sometimes a GLOCK 17. A “compact crossover” G45 is more unusual, but that’s what we have here. There are differences in size between the G17 and the G45 (although they’re not extreme). For example, the G17 has an overall length … Read more