Grip Tape: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Chet from Montana’s pocket dump includes a Glock 42 in a CYA Supply Co. holster, a Benchmade folder, and a Streamlight Protac. The Glock 42 has narrow strips of grip tape wrapped around it, which brings up this question: Do you cover your grips with something and if so do you cover the entire grip … Read more

Glock 19 Gen5: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

The GLOCK 19 Gen5 is a great carry pistol. Personally I was thrilled to see GLOCK had removed the finger grooves for this newest generation. The flared mag well is a nice change, too. Enough changes were made to the Gen5 for me to truly love a GLOCK 19 for the first time (I do … Read more

HK P7: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This is an interesting one because it features a Heckler and Koch P7, which is a pretty cool pistol. The P7 was billed by H&K as their finest pistol for decades and it is, indeed, a very solid gun. It also has some fairly unique features such as a gas delayed blow-back and a squeeze … Read more

Condor Pouch Carry, Plus: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Michael in Idaho sent this in as his pocket dump, saying “Here is what I have on hand daily. I’ll also have an IFAK in my backpack that I carry with me. In my vehicle I carry a STOMP bag along with water and other supplies that vary depending on the weather or time of … Read more

A Frickin’ Laser Beam: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Today’s pocket dump includes a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 ACP and a Kershaw Cryo folding knife. This Bodyguard has an Insight laser. So, let’s talk lasers. Do you have one on your carry gun? And if you do, how much have you trained with it?

FN, Baby: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This is a unique pocket dump because that’s an FN Baby Browning chambered in .25 ACP. The Baby has a 2.11-inch barrel, a six round capacity, and an empty weight of around 9.5 ounces. It has a fascinating background from a historical perspective and is one tiny pistol. If you’re looking for deep concealment this gun … Read more

The Price of Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This pocket dump features a Wilson Combat we’ve seen appear in past EDC photos. So, moving right on to the point of discussion: should you spend your money on your gun or on your training? Do you need a high-end handgun for your daily carry? Just last week I had a talk with a friend … Read more

IWB Scorpion Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This daily carry includes a SIG Emperor Scorpion with an Olight and Benchmade folder. John, the owner of the pocket dump, says “I don’t have a holster that the olight will fit in yet, but I carry in an Alien Gear cloak tuck.” The Alien Gear Cloak Tuck is an IWB hybrid holster. Do you … Read more

Micro-Compact Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

A SIG Sauer P938 Nightmare makes up the handgun portion of this pocket dump. The P938 is chambered in 9mm and has a three-inch barrel and six-round capacity. It’s a solid micro-compact with purposefully contrasting controls for greater visibility and easier use. Here’s the requisite question. There aren’t any holsters or sheaths in this photo, … Read more