“I Lied”: Anti-gun Democrat Ex-Candidate Elizabeth McCarthy’s Problems Grow…

Recently I wrote about the rabidly anti-gun Elizabeth McCarthy who claimed that she removed 77 bullets from 32 victims of the Pulse Nightclub massacre. Nevermind that the Pulse shooting was a Muslim terror attack, she tried to use her claim as part of her campaign for a Florida state house seat and to call for … Read more

Florida Dem Quits Campaign After ‘I Personally Removed 77 Bullets From 32 People’ Claim

Elizabeth McCarthy (above, left) sought the Democrat nomination for Florida’s 28th House District on a campaign of gun control. In fact, she claimed she had personally removed 77 bullets from 32 people following the Pulse Nightclub attack in Orlando. But a little checking into her background raised…questions. And just like so many other stolen valor … Read more