My Bad: City Officials Now Claim Emergency Order Banning Guns was a Mistake

Before Hurricane Helene made landfall, several municipalities in Florida declared local states of emergency to ensure they would be available for state and federal funds needed for expected storm-related cleanup and repair. As earlier reported on TTAG and other gun websites and news outlets, the city of Okeechobee went so far in theirs as to … Read more

Rumors: IL Governor Exploring Executive Order to Demand Gun Owners Surrender Their Registered ‘Naughty’ Guns

Illinois gun control jihadists passed the so-called “Protect Illinois Communities Act” in the dead of night last January. The bill banned all manner of popular self-defense, magazine-fed, semi-automatic firearms, but it provided that existing owners could keep them if they registered them. That registration window closed December 31st with barely a 1% compliance rate. Now, … Read more

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Backs Off Gun Store Shut Down Order

Good news from the Keystone State. Sort of. Democrat Governor Tom Wolf has reversed course in the face of pending litigation and has allowed Pennsylvania gun shops to reopen on a limited basis. Of course, he has mandated a long list of hurdles for dealers to navigate, but at least buyers can still acquire guns … Read more