NYC Mayor Eric Adams Says Police Will Knock on Doors Looking for Reasons to Deny Carry Permits

He’s certainly no criminal like Walter White, but Mayor Eric Adams is vowing to take up the “Breaking Bad” character’s mantle as the “one who knocks” — at least when it comes to gun permits in New York City. “It is really about using the good, old-fashioned methods of doing investigation,” Adams said in an … Read more

Meet Michael Bloomberg, the ‘Modern Day Paul Revere of Gun Violence’

There was a sense of Back to the Future in New York City when current Democratic Mayor Eric Adams was joined by former Mayor Michael Bloomberg for an announcement. Bloomberg, of course, is the failed presidential candidate and hypocritical billionaire subsidizer of anti-Second Amendment gun control groups Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action. … Read more

Same As the Old Boss: New York’s Next Mayor, an Ex-Cop, is as Bad on Civilian Gun Rights as All the Rest

[New York Democrat mayoral nominee Eric] Adams was outraged by the [New York SAFE Act’s] seven-round limit, but only because legislators had neglected to include an exception for active-duty and retired law enforcement officers. “You can’t give more ammo to the criminals,” he said, explaining the need for a corrective amendment exempting him from the … Read more