The NRA President Comes to Effingham, Illinois

The new National Rifle Association President Oliver North came to the heart of the USA – Effingham, Illinois Thursday. God, country and family marked the three primary themes of his visit. Of course, he threw in a health dose of guns for good measure as well. That seemed appropriate as Effingham County holds the distinction … Read more

Want to Get Your Kids Interested in Shooting Sports? Do This…

Growing up as the youngest daughter to an outspoken NRA member, avid hunter, weekly trap shooter and hunter safety instructor, I was no stranger to shooting sports and the time-honored tradition of conservation through hunting. While my kids have (obviously) grown up with the outspoken offspring of my gun-toting father, they haven’t always been hugely … Read more

People Magazine Weighs in on Schenecker Gun Violence Coverage

Another day, another mother who goes postal and kills her own kids. Tragic? You bet. Newsworthy? Thankfully. Still. But People magazine? I thought they limited their coverage to celebrity deaths/peccadillos/tragedies. Nope. Apparently, the magazine for those who find USA Today a challenging read has posted this story about a military wife who went off the deep end and shot her kids for mouthing off. (Looking back on my own upbringing – and not to make light of this tragedy in any way – I’m awfully glad my dad limited family disciplinary action to corporal, and not capital punishment.)

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Lesbian Corrections Officer’s Guns Don’t Shoot People. Lesbian Corrections Officers do.

Or something like that. This story from the NY Daily News recounts the pertinent info, and dances carefully down a line between titillation and politically-incorrect positions. The pertinent facts are these – a woman got into an argument with her estranged significant other, killed her, went to another location where she shot some relatives, took a child hostage, and ran. The boys in blue arrested her, freed the child, and had the DA charge her with two counts of murder, kidnapping, and assault. Her body count stands at two – her former lover and her uncle. She also shot her grandfather in the leg.

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