Personal Defense Stories: Overcoming the Fear of Guns

By Dan Wos When I was a kid, my Dad took me out hunting and target shooting. He loved anything having to do with guns. Me, not so much. It just wasn’t my thing. I tried, but I just wasn’t interested. I mean, I didn’t dislike guns and I wasn’t scared of them. I just … Read more

How I Overcame My Fear of Guns…Thanks to a Desert Eagle

By Meghan N. My entire childhood was filled with four irrational fears: bees, spontaneous house fires, drowning, and guns. Bees (and, honestly, any stinging insect) is easily explained as I stepped in a well-concealed underground nest when I was seven. Buh. No thank you. I still get the creeps from anything with a stinger. Harboring … Read more

How I Finally Decided to Become A Gun Owner…Again

By Marlie Patton In 1997, I purchased my first firearm: a 9mm Sigma made by Smith & Wesson. At the time, I thought I was taking a bold step in the direction of protecting myself. I’d never fired a weapon before, despite being raised in a family with uncles and grandparents who hunted deer for food. … Read more

We Have Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself. Oh and Guns, Too

“Combine Stand Your Ground mentality with concealed carry laws and what you have is constantly simmering danger for all people of color, for two reasons: 1. Most people, as the Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence points out, “carry biases against racial minorities beyond their conscious awareness.” 2. Being armed intensifies one’s fear alert. The coalition notes … Read more

American Expat Terrified Of Coming Home. Because Guns.

Kate Lewis is an expat who’s been living with her family in Japan for the last two years for her husband’s job. But now they’ll be coming home to America soon and she’s realized something. I never really knew that I had a day-to-day fear I carried in my heart living in America until we … Read more