Pennsylvania Democrats Turn To Zoning To Attack FFLs 

With the Second Amendment being an easy read for the literate and Pennsylvania state law prohibiting the regulating of firearms by local government, it should be hard to imagine a world in which a township can use zoning to prohibit a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) from doing business strictly because they deal in guns. But … Read more

ATF Finally Responds to SAF Investigation…Sort Of

Senior ATF officials must have noticed Joe Biden’s shockingly low poll numbers and realized that their war against law-abiding American gun owners will soon be lost. Now, the ATF is taking steps to clean house as much as possible and get rid of any proof that they violated the civil rights of millions of Americans, … Read more

‘We’re Shutting the Gun Shows Down’: ATF SWAT Team Raids Part-Time Oklahoma FFL’s Home, Confiscates His Guns

by Lee Williams  Russell Fincher is a high school history teacher, a Baptist pastor and a part-time gun dealer. He also coaches Little League in his hometown of Tuskahoma, Oklahoma, which has a population of around 151 souls.  Fincher, 52, has had a federal firearm license for three years. He has no brick-and-mortar gun shop. … Read more

How To Get Your Own FFL: A Brief Step-By-Step Guide

How do you get an FFL? There’s a procedure to be followed in order to get there, as with licensure of any kind. Not only that, it’s actually pretty easy. Well, it’s not necessarily the easiest thing in the world, but getting a Federal Firearms License from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives … Read more

NSSF Commends U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act of 2019

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has introduced a bill that would increase penalties for thefts from FFL holders. Yes, stealing gats from the local gun store has always been illegal, but Sen. Graham’s bill would make it even illegal-er. And if that means keeping a thief in jail longer if convicted, so much the better. … Read more

Why a ‘Kitchen Table’ FFL is a Bad Idea

Here at TTAG, we get lots of questions from our readers about a variety of gun-related and regulatory topics. One of the those that we’ve been meaning to cover over the years is so-called kitchen table FFLs. These non-conventional federal firearms licenses have advantages and disadvantages, both aspiring firearm industry professionals and consumers alike. My … Read more

Ask the FFL: A Lapsed Federal Firearms License and a Rifle with a Pistol Brace

Richard F. of Fort Lee, New Jersey writes in with a couple of questions: I had an FFL while on active duty with the USAF around 1987. I let the FFL lapse. Is there a way to renew it now? The answer is no, you can’t renew it. You’d need to re-apply, get a new … Read more

FirearmConcierge On The FFL/Customer Relationship

I’m Grande Queso, Nick Leghorn’s confidential source for all things firearm industry related. During an alarming lapse of good judgement this evening, Nick has decided to abuse his newly acquired title of “editor” at TTAG and allowed me to pen a guest column. And the topic of the day is the firearm professional/customer relationship. First, … Read more