DeBrabander: Bruen Invalidates ‘Sensible’ Gun Control Laws and Will Lead to the Deconstruction of Society

The Bruen decision means that even widely accepted and eminently sensible laws are suddenly suspect. Take, for example, the federal mandate that bans the possession of guns without legible serial numbers, which help law enforcement solve crimes. A West Virginia judge determined the mandate was unconstitutional because there were no similar laws dating to the 18th century. … Read more

DeBrabander: Civilian Gun Rights Result in Lawlessness

We haven’t heard much lately from our old pal, Fermin DeBrabander, but he’s back now, banging out the latest installment of the new smash hit that’s sweeping media nation: civilian gun rights result in violent insurrectionism. Gun-rights extremists are hardly cowed by the prospect of facing the U.S. military. A popular essay that made the … Read more