New Jersey Attorney Sues Over Gun Permit Denial Due To Pro-Palestinian Politics

A New Jersey attorney is suing Springfield Township, its police department and a host of others in federal district court, alleging his Second Amendment rights were violated when he was denied a concealed carry permit due to pro-Palestinian social media posts. Rajeh Saadeh received his original permit in 2022 and applied for renewal in August … Read more

S&W’s Strange On-Again, Off-Again Facebook Suspension

If you haven’t been following the story of social media giant Facebook suspending popular gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson’s page on its platform, suffice it to say that things continue to get weirder. According to Smith & Wesson, their Facebook page, with some 1.6 million followers, was abruptly on November 22. The suspension was allegedly … Read more

How John Kerry’s Recent Attack On The 1A Also Targets The 2A

Former Obama administration Secretary of State and Biden administration “climate envoy” John Kerry’s recent anti-First Amendment rant during a World Economic Forum panel on “Green Energy” wasn’t directed at gun owners and gun-rights groups, but it could have been. According to a Fox News report, during the panel discussion Kerry lamented the fact that the … Read more

FPC Files Brief In Appeal Concerning 3rd Grader’s Gun-Related Cap  

The Firearms Policy Coalition has filed an opening brief in the appeals phase of an FPC-backed lawsuit challenging a Michigan Public School’s ban on gun-related speech. The case involves a third-grade Michigan girl who, on the school’s “hat day,” was told she couldn’t wear a hat bearing the text “Come and Take It,” along with … Read more

Why The ACLU is Defending the NRA in the Supreme Court

If you’re on the right side of the political spectrum, you probably don’t think much of the ACLU. After all, they’ve gone to bat for all manner of unpopular individuals including including nazis, satanic churches, and even child molesters. One the most notorious cases that earned them almost universal hate was when they defended NAMBLA … Read more

Shannon Watts Moves From Attacking Gun Rights to Restricting Free Speech

Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, announced in January that she would retire from her anti-gun group sometime this year. Don’t expect a quiet exit as she’s now talking about restricting free speech. Watts, whose gun control group is controlled by billionaire and former failed gun control presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, took to social media and bragging about … Read more

The Atlantic: Exercising Second Amendment Rights Threatens Free Speech

Many Americans fervently believe that the Second Amendment protects their right to bear arms everywhere, including at public protests. Many Americans also believe that the First Amendment protects their right to speak freely and participate in political protest. What most people do not realize is that the Second Amendment has become, in recent years, a threat to … Read more

The Lesson of Cuba: A Disarmed Populace Fights for its Freedom

As I type this, 228 miles south of me, people are fighting for their freedom in the streets of Cuba. The communist government has been in power there for 62 years and it appears the people might have finally had enough. JUST IN – Mass protests erupt in several cities in #Cuba over the poor … Read more

Ask Josh: Help, I’ve Been Deplatformed!

Disclaimer, the image above isn’t real… yet. Today’s Ask Josh isn’t a gun or ammo question. In a long email, reader Bob lamented the fact that people were being gaslit and removed from mainstream social media sites. I have an answer for this and many of you aren’t going to like it. Bob wrote a … Read more