Burkhead: Political Violence and the Second Amendment

Violence, then, is really only justified when there is no other recourse, when speech is shut down, when public opinion no longer matters, when elections are decided, as alluded to by Stalin, not by those who vote, but by those who count the votes. And when you cross that line, it’s not an issue of … Read more

Oklahoma Man Shoots Woman Multiple Times for Trying to Steal His Nazi Flag [VIDEO]

Back when the ACLU actually stood for defending the bill of rights, they defended American Nazis who marched through Skokie, Illinois. Because free speech — no matter how vile or repugnant — is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Or used to be. No matter what you may think of a man who flies Nazi flags … Read more

Black Gun Owners – Armed Civilians Protect Both the First and Second Amendments

Black militias are guarding black owned businesses with automatic rifles pic.twitter.com/YIzyHixFWc — Zoomer Clips (@ZoomerClips) May 28, 2020 A video of a group of armed black residents in St. Paul went viral on Thursday. The video shows armed black men standing in front of a store. The person who is recording says that the business they’re protecting … Read more

Anti-Lockdown Protests Grow With Some Protestors Showing Up Well-Armed

The lockdown orders used to be about controlling the Coronavirus. In many places across America, it feels like the lockdown is now used to control the Deplorables. And Americans have taken to the streets to revolt, bringing their long guns in many instances. In Pennsylvania, huge crowds formed to protest the continued lockdown as ordered … Read more

When Openly Carrying a Firearm Limits Others’ Free Speech…Allegedly

Now that Michael Bloomberg’s no longer occupied on the campaign trail, he can refocus his attention on financing the never-ending effort to disarm Americans, both on the streets and in their homes. This, uh, think piece on open carry and the free speech is from his anti-gun agitprop generation outlet, The Trace. For a chill … Read more

Epps: Second Amendment Rights Must be Limited Because Guns Can be Used to Kill

Second Amendment activists have, over the years, gone to great lengths to obscure the difference between gun rights and genuine civil liberties, especially the freedom of speech. After Virginia Governor Ralph Northam banned weapons from the square, gun-rights groups rushed to court to seek invalidation of the order. According to news reports, their lawyers “argued … Read more

Rapper Arrested for Posting Lyrics Threatening a Mass Shooting

Only two weeks after the Parkland shooting last year, Florida governor Rick Scott signed a bill into law that makes it a crime to threaten a mass shooting. Any person who writes or composes and also sends or procures the sending of any letter, inscribed communication, or electronic communication, whether such letter or communication be … Read more

Gov. Cuomo Rockin’ the NY Socialism Vibe by Targeting the NRA and Free Speech

The National Rifle Association, which has incurred “tens of millions of dollars in damages” from financial sanctions imposed by the state of New York, may potentially face an avalanche of additional penalties in anti-gun states throughout the union if New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has his way. “If I could have put the NRA out … Read more

Quote of the Day: Thinking About How the 1st and 2nd Amendments Work Together

“The simple dedication to the principles of free speech become a little more murky when people are carrying guns. You can be a strong believer in Second Amendment rights and a strong believer in First Amendment rights, but even if you are you might want to think about how those two work together in highly volatile … Read more