DeSantis Set To Repeal Parkland Gun Control Measures

The 2018 Parkland, Florida, shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School led to an avalanche of tragedy, including seventeen fatalities, the knee-jerk signing of Senate Bill 7026 by then-Governor Rick Scott, and David Hogg. Unfortunately, we can’t bring back the lives of those we lost that day, and it seems David Hogg will be dining … Read more

Kyle Rittenhouse Is A Celebrity Gun Store Employee

Almost five years after using an AR-15 to defend himself against an angry mob of Black Lives Matter protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Kyle Rittenhouse is making headlines again, albeit fewer, as the newest celebrity employee of a North Florida gun shop. Rittenhouse was just 17 at the time of the shooting, in which he wounded … Read more

Florida: DeSantis Proposes ‘Second Amendment Summer’ Tax Holiday

We’ve chronicled over the past several months how anti-gun politicians in several less gun-friendly states have passed, or are trying to pass, legislation levying additional taxes on the purchase of guns, ammunition and gun-related gear. In fact, during last year’s elections, Colorado voters approved a referendum that will impose an additional 6.5% excise tax on … Read more

Florida Fight Leads to Defensive Shooting

A man is dead and a woman injured following a defensive shooting this past weekend at Notting Hill Condominiums in Lake Mary, Florida. According to, deputies responded to the scene shortly after 2 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 5. They found a man with life-threatening gunshot wounds and a woman with a non-life-threatening gunshot wound … Read more

Florida and Pennsylvania Democrats Continue to Legislate in Contempt 

Until they face legal consequences, the contemptuous left has made it clear that they will continue to spend tax dollars legislating in defiance of the judiciary, particularly the United States Supreme Court. While “contemptuous” could be aptly described here as full of scorn or disdain, I am referring to contempt of court, legal terminology that … Read more

“Expect to be Shot,” Florida Sheriff Warns After Man Defends Home Against Intruders

A Florida homeowner fatally shot a masked intruder and scared off another during a home invasion this week, prompting a stern warning from local law enforcement. “If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot,” Manatee County Sheriff Rick Wells said during a press conference, according to Fox News. The … Read more

Florida 13-Year-Old Sells A Gun To 19-Year-Old Then Fatally Shoots Him

A 14-year-old Florida teen warming the bench in a juvenile detention facility has picked up a second-degree murder charge in connection with his 2023 fatal shooting of a 19-year-old, according to deputies. As if not depressing enough to question the fate of humanity, with kids this young acting this violently, the incident took place during … Read more

Florida Lawmakers Push to Roll Back Post-Parkland Gun Restrictions

Florida may soon reclaim its “Gunshine State” moniker as Republican lawmakers introduce bills aimed at rolling back key gun restrictions enacted following the 2018 Parkland school shooting. These bills, if passed, would expand gun rights in the state by repealing the red flag law, lowering the age to purchase rifles and allowing open carry. State … Read more

Florida Driver Refuses Carjacker Then Shoots Him

Today’s feel-good Second Amendment news brings us to the Sunshine State of Florida, where activities are bountiful, from beautiful beaches to golf and nightlife. But if you’re in the mood to do some carjacking, you better think twice. One young man found out the hard way recently when he clearly picked the wrong victim and … Read more