Dem Amendment to Open Florida Legislature to Concealed Carry Voted Down by GOP Majority

  [ED: The permitless carry bill passed the Florida House yesterday. It’s expected to get a vote of the full Senate next week.] Among the amendments rejected by the GOP included one from Orlando Democrat Anna Eskamani, which would have repealed the prohibition of carrying weapons into meetings of the Legislature – a proposal dubbed … Read more

Caught: FL Rep. Brannan’s Legislative Aide Trashes FLGR, GOA Petitions Supporting Constitutional Carry [VIDEO]

What happens in Florida when constituents let their representatives know they want to see a constitutional carry bill that’s been languishing in a House committee come up for a vote? We got this email from Florida Gun Rights’ Matt Collins . . . Florida Gun Rights and Gun Owners Of America along with the Republican … Read more

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Says He’ll Sign a Constitutional Carry Bill That Reaches His Desk

From Florida Gun Rights . . . At a political event over the weekend, Governor Ron DeSantis verbally pledged his support for Constitutional Carry if the Florida Legislature sends the bill to his desk for his signature. “We’re thrilled that Governor DeSantis has pledged his support for Constitutional Carry – now the legislature must act … Read more

When Will Republicans Stop Killing Constitutional Carry in Florida?

By Matt Collins When government requires a permit to exercise a right, it is no longer a right, but a privilege. That’s why Florida Gun Rights has been leading the charge to pass constitutional carry in Florida, which means that if you are legally allowed to possess a firearm, then you should be allowed to … Read more

GOA: Compromise Is Hurting Gun Rights in Florida

By Tim Macy This week, a Florida gun group launched an attack on our state director Luis Valdes and, by extension, on Gun Owners of America. This broadside was then reprinted by a national group, as well as another state gun group in Florida. GOA has made it a practice not to speak ill of … Read more