Hoplophobes’ Hopes Crushed: Homicides Down in Florida Now That Permitless Carry is Law

Florida’s permitless carry law has been in effect for almost six months now. It’s too early for statewide data, but I looked up a couple of cities that report their data regularly. At this time last year, Miami had 84 homicides. This year it is at 74. For Jacksonville, it was 159 at this time … Read more

A Tale of Two States: Law-and-Order, Permitless Carry Florida vs. Lawless, Gun-Controlled Illinois [VIDEO]

My family and I just returned from some time in Florida, specifically Ft. Walton Beach. We saw the sights and had a great time on the Emerald Coast, named for its beautiful green water and sugar-white sand. Some call it the “Redneck Riviera.” No doubt some in “civilized” and woke Chicago look down their noses … Read more

BREAKING: Florida Streets Not Ankle-Deep in Blood After Permitless Carry Becomes Law

By Lee Williams There have been no Wild West-style shootouts. Floridians are not shooting each other over parking spots as some tediously predicted. No fistfights have escalated into gunfights, and most assuredly, the streets are not running red with blood.  On July 1, Florida became the 26th state – the majority state – to offer … Read more

Miami Herald: We’re Dreading July 1st and Here’s Why You Should, Too

Anyone with good sense in Florida is dreading July 1. That’s the day when the state starts allowing people over the age of 21 to carry a concealed weapon without a permit and without any gun training — at all. It’s the terrible law that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the complicit Legislature pushed through … Read more

Let’s Clarify Florida’s New Permitless Carry Law for Ignorant Politicians Like Gavin Newsom

By Lee Williams California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently attacked Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis after a Memorial Day shootout between what the media called “two groups of youths” in Hollywood, Florida left nine people wounded.  “DeSantis signed a permitless carry bill in April that removes requirements for: background checks, instruction, training and oversight,” Newsom claimed in … Read more

California Gov. Newsom Claims Florida’s Permitless Carry Law – That Isn’t Yet in Effect – Caused a Memorial Day Shooting

From the CCRKBA . . . California Gov. Gavin Newsom should button his lip instead of trying to blame a new permitless carry law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis for a Memorial Day shooting in Florida when the law is not yet in effect, especially when shootings continue in the Golden State, the Citizens Committee … Read more

Here’s How the Poll Used by the Gun Control Industry to Claim Floridians Oppose Permitless Carry was Skewed

By Lee Williams  A few weeks before the Florida legislature began debating an unlicensed concealed-carry bill, which Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law earlier this week, the legacy media started pimping a new public opinion poll that made some incredibly bold claims on the topic.  The poll, which was conducted by the University of North … Read more

Florida Becomes the 26th State to Eliminate its Permit Requirement for Lawfully Carrying a Gun

Blood on the streets of South Beach. Bodies piling up outside the Magic Kingdom. Tampa Bay running red. These are a few of the kinds of typically hysterical predictions we’ve seen and will likely to continue to hear now that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill into law making Florida the 26th state … Read more

Florida Gun Rights Activists Not Satisfied With Permitless Concealed Carry

“This [permitless carry] bill is a half-measure and is not what gun owners were promised. It isn’t true Constitutional Carry because it doesn’t include an open carry provision. This bill is weak and failed leadership on part of Governor DeSantis and the Republican legislative leadership. Gun owners deserve better“ — Former firearms lobbyist turned citizen … Read more