Crying Wolf: Criminals Claim Self-Defense, Too, But Cops, Prosecutors Not Buying It

While self-defense is a justifiable claim when a person is forced to literally protect themselves or others from imminent death or serious bodily harm from the hand of another, a person can’t just claim self-defense and expect everyone around them to accept it. But plenty of people in the wrong try. For every article in … Read more

Murder Rate Down in 2024, Including In Florida After Enacting Permitless Carry

Remember back in the 1980s when gun control groups screeched that Florida would turn into the “Gunshine” state when the Sunshine State passed concealed carry? Many no doubt won’t as they are too young.  But we saw the same thing happen just last year as Florida adopted permitless carry. Instead of homicides going through the … Read more

Another Road Rage Incident, Another Shooting Death

A road rage shooting in Deltona, Florida, last week has left one man dead, with the surviving driver claiming he acted in self-defense, according to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. The confrontation began when, the shooter alleges, a white Dodge Charger slowed down in front of him. After passing the Charger, the driver of the … Read more

News from Outside the Path of Totality: Florida Highway Shooter Blames God, Eclipse for Her Actions; the Media Just Blames

As a small-town newspaper reporter at the start of my career and when print newspapers were still a thing, I worked in a newsroom where one of our goals with stories of high national or international interest was to make them more relatable to the local audience. Conflict breaks out between Israel and Gaza; you … Read more

Florida Stand Your Ground…Against Bears

Self-defense isn’t just for human threats…it can also be for threats from black bears, too, or at least that is what a bill under consideration in Florida would help clarify. The Florida House is set to revisit a contentious bill aimed at strengthening self-defense claims for individuals shooting bears on their property, following a Senate … Read more

Sun’s Out, Guns Out: Pro-Freedom Measures On The Move In The Sunshine State

Pro-freedom lawmakers in the Florida legislature are pushing forward three measures that would recognize rights that have previously been restricted, and all three bills were recently approved by overwhelming margins in their respective Florida House subcommittees. House Bill 17 would change when the mandatory waiting period would end for firearm purchases. The law currently states: … Read more

Repo Man Proves That Being Right Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Also Be Dead

“Here lies the body of William Jay, Who died maintaining his right of way— He was right, dead right, as he sped along, But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong.” ― Dale Carnegie, From How To Win Friends and Influence People. A recent story out of Florida shows us that being dead … Read more

FL Legislature Passes Permitless Concealed Carry, Bill Headed to Governor’s Desk

PERMITLESS CONCEALED-ONLY CARRY PASSES FLORIDA LEGISLATURE! Permitless Concealed-Only Carry Headed To Governor Ron DeSantis’ Desk! TALLAHASSEE FL – Good news! Permitless Concealed-Only Carry is on its way to Governor Ron DeSantis! The Florida State Senate passed their version of the bill, CS/HB-543 (CS/SB-150) today. Last week, the State House passed their version, HB-543. This is … Read more

Risky Business: Florida Man Intervenes to Save Pregnant Woman Being Attacked Outside Publix Store

Using force to protect third-parties poses all manner of dangers to a good guy with a gun.  Sometimes though, it’s clear to even most low-information types that force is justified against an attacker of a third party. That’s exactly what happened outside a Largo, Florida Publix supermarket. A man stomped his pregnant girlfriend’s head and … Read more