During the last two days of testimony in the trial of Major Nidal Hassan, there’s been a lot of talk about the Ft. Hood spree killer’s choice of weapon: the FN Five-SeveN. TTAG’s review of the oddly-calibered handgun appeared back in August. Two words that didn’t feature: high-tech. And yet that’s the buying criteria Hassan presented to the gun store that ultimately sold the Army shrink his murder weapon . . .
Gun Review: FN Five-seveN MRD Mk3 Pistol
When FN created the latest generation of Five-seveN pistol, they didn’t just add an optic cut to the slide and call it good. The FN Five-seveN MRD (Micro Red Dot) is an evolved update to a unique handgun that many love and others can’t seem to figure out. The new Mk3 (actually Mk3T for tactical) … Read more