SHOT Show: FN’s Military Goodies, Kalashnikov USA 9mm AK’s, and Thunder Beast Suppressors

While I wandered endless expanse of SHOT Show, I found myself at the FN booth. The company is large and has a huge number of products that are in service with every branch of the military. The neat thing about the FN guns is that they make a number ‘civilian’ semiauto versions of their fully … Read more

NDIA Symposium – Happy Landings?

This morning, I was booked on Delta flight 4179, the 7:55 AM run from Reagan National on the banks of the Potomac river in Virginia. It was scheduled to arrive in Indianapolis at 9:44 AM, giving me plenty of time to get to the NDIA symposium and start covering the really cool things here. Well, that didn’t exactly happen.

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For FNH, the future’s so bright our soldiers are wearing shades. FNH USA, LLC received notification from the USSOCOM Program Executive Office—SOF Warrior (PEO—SW) that the SCAR Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM) was approved and signed on April 14, 2010, moving this FN Herstal (FN) program into the Milestone C phase. This decision authorizes the production … Read more