Illinois State Police Revoke FOID Cards Without Due Process; Gov. Hasn’t Nominated A Single Member For the FOID Appeals Board

Illinois remains a screwed up state, with politicians blaming law-abiding gun owners for the crimes committed almost entirely by gang members who illegally acquired their firearms.  Why, the politicians even redirect attention from the gang violence on our streets by calling it “gun violence” instead.  And now Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Illinois State Police, under new … Read more

Illinois State Police Agree To End ‘Fee Stacking’ for FOID Cards

Yes, Illinois still has the much-reviled Firearms Owners ID Card. However, thanks to a class-action lawsuit settlement, the Illinois State Police have agreed to end their egregious practice of fee stacking, charging FOID applicants an extra dollar to process their application fee for the 10-year license. The ISP announced the proposed settlement in recent days. … Read more

ILLINOIS STATE POLICE STRUGGLE: FOID, CCW Processing Riddled With Delays, Errors

Illinois law mandates that the Illinois State Police administer the Prairie State’s gun control licensing schemes, including the much-hated Firearms Owners ID cards as well as concealed carry licensing.  Even before China flu hit last year, the ISP struggled to keep up with applications and renewals.  After the COVID lockdowns began, and especially after last … Read more

Newsflash: Journalist Realizes FOID Processing Delays Hurt Legal Gun Owners

Journalist Scott Reed over at the Jacksonville Journal-Courier has apparently realized that delays in processing Illinois’ FOID cards hurt law-abiding gun owners. Illinois is one of only four states that require a license to exercise the Second-Amendment protected right to own a firearm. Reed wrote: A Firearm Owners Identification, or FOID card, must be presented … Read more

Illinois House GOP Pushes Back Against SB 1966 Higher FOID Fees

Illinois SB 1966 is a draconian bill that will increase Firearms Owner ID card fees, require mandatory fingerprinting (at gun owner’s expense), and make the FOID card valid for only 5 years instead of 10. You MUST have one of these cards in the Land of Lincoln to legally posses a firearm (although a few … Read more

With Support from the NRA, Guns Save Life Challenges Illinois FOID Act’s Constitutionality

Imagine being denied your Second Amendment rights because state government bureaucrats claim you have a criminal conviction in your past. Yet at the same time, local government officials remain unable to produce any supporting documentation to back up their claims. They claim any such records likely were “destroyed.” That’s the position in which a Guns … Read more

NRA Supports Guns Save Life’s Challenge to Illinois’ FOID Act

By NRA-ILA [ED: For background on this, read John Boch’s post on an earlier ruling that Illinois’ FOID card requirement is unconstitutional.] Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) today announced its support for a lawsuit challenging Illinois’s Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID) Act. The lawsuit was brought by Guns Save … Read more

Illinois Circuit Judge Rules FOID Card Unconstitutional; Attorney General Reportedly Appealing to IL Supreme Court

In February 2018, a White County, IL Second Judicial Circuit Court judge ruled Illinois Firearms Owners Identification Card Act unconstitutional.  Eight months later, after pleadings and motions to reconsider the initial decision, the judge not only reaffirmed his original decision, but supplemented it.  Now,’s spokeswoman Valinda Rowe claims that the Illinois Attorney General will … Read more

Illinois Moves to Confiscate Guns, Ammo From Those With Revoked FOIDs, With NO Provision For Return

Lose your FOID to revocation, lose your guns. And you won’t get them back. Regardless if a court or the Illinois State Police rescind the revocation. That’s the what happens under a new bill currently being seriously considered in Illinois. Following the Aurora massacre and revelations of the ISP’s screw-up in failing to ensure a … Read more