Gun Safety: Are Negligent Discharges Inevitable?

  An “accidental discharge” is more accurately known as a negligent discharge (ND). One second you’re admiring a brilliantly designed and executed piece of wood (or plastic) and steel and the next…your ears are ringing, you’re blinking furiously, you smell smoke and the unmistakable odor of gunpowder. Your first conscious thought: “Oh sh!t!” If you’re … Read more

The Four Rules of Gun Safety for New Gun Owners…and Everyone Else [VIDEO]

[ED: We last bumped this post three years ago during the Great Pandemic Gun Buying Run of 2020. But as even mainstream media outlets have had to acknowledge, more Americans continue to buy firearms at a noteworthy pace. That includes groups that the clueless always assumed didn’t care about their Second Amendment rights and weren’t … Read more

Safety Basics: Reholster Your Gun Slowly and Deliberately

Something that doesn’t get enough attention among pistol carriers is how and when to reholster your handgun. The draw stroke gets a lot of attention but lots of people who carry a handgun spend little or no time thinking about how to safely reholster. As many have demonsrated, doing it safely is important because a … Read more

The 3 Best Ways To Piss Off Other People at a Gun Range

Any gun guru worth his or her salt will tell you to avoid stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things. As someone who’s been to more gun ranges than the average guy, we should modify that adage to account for the risks involved when shooting guns next to complete strangers. Avoid stupid armed people … Read more

Gun Tweet of the Day: The Four Rules Apply Always, Everywhere and to Everyone

Boss put a .32 in the cabinet. — Pancreas Thief (@PancreasThief) November 11, 2022 Oops. We assume no one was injured when that gun “went off.” Let’s hope so. We’ve heard stories of retailers that have the equivalent of a “swear jar.” Any customer who brings in a gun and promises that it’s empty … Read more

Of Lasers, Stupidity, and Bad Decisions

  By BK In the summer of 1996, when I was going into eighth grade, a buddy who was a few years older showed me his newest toy. It was amazing, it was brand new to the market, and it was mind-bogglingly fun for a teenage boy: a laser pointer. I begged my parents for … Read more

Keep Your Hands Off Your Gun Until You Have a Good Reason to Touch It

Earlier this month, a South Carolina man shot himself because he wanted to show a friend his new holster. As reports, “As the victim was dropping the magazine out of the firearm, he pulled the trigger and shot himself between his left ring finger and pinky, the report stated. In other words, he was … Read more

Man Shoots Himself in the Face After Hot Brass Ejected Into His Shirt [VIDEO]

If you shoot often at all, especially at an indoor range, you’ve probably experienced it. A hot empty case ejects from your pistol, bounces off the lane divider and right back at you. Usually it just hits you and caroms off. Sometimes it finds its way between your glasses and your cheek (ask me how … Read more

Negligent Discharges: Teaching New Shooters Trigger Discipline The Right Way

There are generally two kinds of gun owners: those who have fired a shot unintentionally and those who will. Another way to look at it is, play with fire long enough and you’ll eventually get burned. The first thing we have to understand is the definition of an unintentional — or negligent — discharge. The … Read more