New York bill would let police ‘briefly seize’ firearms during domestics

Police in New York want the legal ability to seize firearms during a domestic violence call – even if no arrests were made. However, instead of going through normal legal channels and obtaining a search warrant or court order, police just want the legal ability to take the guns on their own.  New York State … Read more

How the ‘Community Caretaking Exception’ Undermines Second and Fourth Amendment Rights

By John Velleco The Bill of Rights establishes express limitations on government power in areas where the Framers knew from history that governments were prone to invade the pre-existing, God-given rights of their citizens. At Gun Owners of America and our Foundation, our main focus always has been the Second Amendment, but we have filed … Read more

How Far Will Would-Be Tyrants Get Before America’s Gun Owners Say ‘Enough’?

Politicians both left and right love to talk about how they support civil rights. But when some get their hands on power and an opportunity presents itself, they become heavy-handed, paternalistic tyrants. Yes, actions speak louder than words and some pols find that a pair of jackboots fit them quite well. Even before this new … Read more

Don’t Consent to a Search of Your Vehicle During a Traffic Stop

[Ed: Back in 2015, Dean pointed out the potential perils of consenting to a search of your vehicle during a traffic stop, even if “you don’t have anything to hide.” That advice is just as valid today.] It has become a hallmark of advice from lawyers: do not give consent to police officers to search … Read more

Fourth Amendment Watch: MI Police Use Thermal Imager to Search Car for Firearm

A police officer in Michigan has used a thermal imaging device to locate a firearm in the trunk of a suspect’s car. Police received a report of shots fired at a Saginaw restaurant. A nearby Saginaw Township police officer who was leaving Covenant HealthCare received a suspect vehicle description and stopped the vehicle on Woodbridge … Read more